Contract & GPOs
General Services Administration (GSA)
General Services Administration Federal Supply Services Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Catalog/Price List
Schedule Title: Schedule 078: Sports, Promotional, Outdoor, Recreational, Trophies, and Signs
FSC Group 99: Signs and Safety Zone Products
FSC Class (ES) Product Codes and/or service code: 9905
Contract No.: GS-07F-5546R
Contract Period: Jan 1, 2020 – Dec 31, 2024
Contractor's Name, Address, Phone, Fax, E-mail:
Takeform Architectural Graphics
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, New York 14103
P: 585-798-8888 F: 585-798-8889
Contractors Administration Source: Bill Hungerford
Business Size/Type: Small Manufacturer
Customer Information:
1a. Table of Awarded Special Item Numbers (SIN's):
SIN 366-11
Signs – Products include but not limited to Programmable, Interactive Directories, Queuing Systems, Architectural/Wayfinding, Site/Facility Identification, Scoreboards, Exit, Vehicle, Traffic, Parking, Construction, Safety/Warning, Sign Making Systems, Stencil Making Devices, Bar Code/Label Making Systems, Placards, Posters, Sign Post/Hardware, and Related products and Services (FSC 9905).
1b. Lowest Priced Model Number and Price for Each SIN:
SIN 366-11
PRICE: $39
Maximum Order: $100,000
Minimum Order: $100
Geographic Coverage: 48 Contiguous States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia and US territories
Points of Production: Medina, NY
Basic Discount: Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Quantity/Volume Discount: Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Prompt Payment Terms: N/A (Net 30)
9a. Acceptance of Government Purchase Card up to Micro-Purchase Threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Government purchase cards will be accepted above the micro purchase threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
Foreign Items: No foreign end products
11a. Time of Delivery: 30 days after receipt of order
11b. Expedited Delivery: 14 days after receipt of order
11c. Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: Call for availability and pricing
FOB Point: Origin (pre-pay and add)
Ordering Address:
Takeform Architectural Graphics
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Payment Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Warranty Provision: 5 years all parts & labor
Export Packing Charges: $50 per export shipment
Terms and Conditions of Government Purchase Card Acceptance: Contractor will accept Government Purchase Card for orders of $2,500 or less. Purchase Order required for orders over $2,500
Terms and Conditions of Rental, Maintenance, and Repair (if applicable): N/A
Terms and Conditions of Installation (if applicable): N/A
20a. Terms and Conditions of Repair Parts Indicating Date of Parts Price List and Any Discounts From List Prices (if available): N/A
20b. Terms and Conditions for any other Services (if applicable): N/A
21. List of Services and Distribution Points (if applicable):
Takeform Architectural Graphics
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
22. List of Participating Dealers (if applicable): N/A
23. Preventative Maintenance (if applicable): N/A
24. Environmental Attributes, e.g. Recycled Content, Energy Efficient, and Pollutants: Lead free paint, recycled paper inserts
25. Environmental Attributes: The wood utilized in our product comes from well managed forests independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council A.C. SCS-C-00119 and Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) Forest Conservation Program.
26. DUNS Number: 803784537
27. Central Contractor Registration: Affirmative, Registration Accomplished: Yes
TXMAS (Texas Multiple Award Schedule)
Contractor: Takeform Architectural Graphics
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, New York 14103
Phone: 585-798-8888
Fax: 585-798-8889
Multiple Award Schedule: 78 - Sports, Promotional, Outdoor, Recreational, Trophies and Signs
TXMAS Contract Number: TXMAS-20-7803
Contract Period: August 14, 2020 – December 31, 2024
Quantity/Volume Discount: Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Prompt Payment Terms: N/A (Net 30)
Acceptance of Government Purchase Card up to Micro-Purchase Threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Government purchase cards will be accepted above the micro purchase threshold:
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Foreign Items: No foreign end products
Time of Delivery: 30 days after receipt of order
Expedited Delivery: 14 days after receipt of order
Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: Call for availability and pricing
FOB Point: Origin (pre-pay and add)
Ordering Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Payment Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Warranty Provision: 5 years all parts & labor
Pennsylvania (COSTARS) State Contract
Takeform Architectural Graphics
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, New York 14103
Phone: 585-798-8888
Fax: 585-798-8889
COSTARS Contract Number: 032-E22-072 Signage
Contract Period: January 25, 2023 through January 25, 2024
Quantity/Volume Discount:
Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Prompt Payment Terms: N/A (Net 30)
Acceptance of Government Purchase Card up to Micro-Purchase Threshold:
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Government purchase cards will be accepted above the micro purchase threshold:
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Foreign Items: No foreign end products
Time of Delivery: 30 days after receipt of order
Expedited Delivery: 14 days after receipt of order
Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: Call for availability and pricing: 1-800-528-1398
FOB Point: Origin (pre-pay and add)
Ordering Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Payment Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Warranty Provision: 5 years all parts & labor
MHEC (Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium)
Takeform Architectural Graphics
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, New York 14103
Phone: 585-798-8888
Fax: 585-798-8889
MHEC Contract Number: MC13-G24
Contract Period: Aug 2023 – Jul 2025
Quantity/Volume Discount: Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Prompt Payment Terms: Net 30
Acceptance of Government Purchase Card up to Micro-Purchase Threshold: Visa/MasterCard/AmEx/Discover accepted
Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Government purchase cards will be accepted above the micro purchase threshold:
Visa/MasterCard/AmEx/Discover accepted
Foreign Items: No foreign end products
Time of Delivery: 21 days after receipt of order
Expedited Delivery: 14 days after receipt of order
Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: Call for availability and pricing: 1-800-528-1398
FOB Point:
Origin (pre-pay and add)
Ordering Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Payment Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Warranty Provision: 5 years all parts & labor
State of Mississippi
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, New York 14103
Phone: 585-798-8888
Fax: 585-798-8889
Commodities Covered: Interior Signage
State Contract Number: 8200067914
Contract Period: 05/01/2023-04/30/2024
Discount: Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Payment Terms: Net Forty-five (45) days Without Penalty
Acceptance of Government Purchase Card up to Micro-Purchase Threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Government purchase cards will be accepted above the micro purchase threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
Foreign Items: No foreign end products
Time of Delivery: 30 days after receipt of order
Expedited Delivery: 14 days after receipt of order
Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: Call for availability and pricing: 1-800-528-1398
FOB Point: Destination, Freight Prepaid
Ordering Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Payment Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Warranty Provision: 5 years all parts & labor
TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System)
TIPS website: https://www.tips-usa.com/
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, New York 14103
Phone: 585-798-8888
Fax: 585-798-8889
Multiple Award Schedule: Furniture, Furnishings and Services
TIPS Contract Number: 230301
Contract Periods: End date: May 31, 2028
States Served: All
Quantity/Volume Discount: Contact Takeform for discount structure.
Prompt Payment Terms: N/A (Net 30)
Acceptance of Government Purchase Card up to Micro-Purchase Threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Government purchase cards will be accepted above the micro purchase threshold: Visa/MasterCard accepted
Foreign Items: No foreign end products
Time of Delivery: 30 days after receipt of order
Expedited Delivery: 14 days after receipt of order
Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: Call for availability and pricing
FOB Point: Origin (pre-pay and add)
Ordering Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Payment Address:
11601 Maple Ridge Road
Medina, NY 14103
Warranty Provision: 5 years all parts & labor