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Make your space an experience.


An immersive, tropical-themed experiential graphic installation in a modern health spa lobby with custom wall covering, silicone edge graphics, and an illuminated dimensional logo.

Mind blowing, brand building experiential graphics

From magnified brand identity to more effective wayfinding, experiential graphics take your space to a new level of… well… experience. Transform your space into an unforgettable impression of who you are.

Pick your product for a material match

Innovation, all day. That's standard operating procedure at Takeform from the materials that we utilize to the safety factors we build into the mounting hardware to the sustainability to the cleanability. No decision is ever too small to sweat. No detail escapes our notice.

Dramatic experiential graphics installation in a retail-inspired health care waiting room featuring imagery of cross-country runners and custom branded signage.
Close-up edge detail of custom printed acoustic wall panel installed over coordinating custom wallcovering.

All about the image

Pushing the boundaries of ink and printing technology is part of our print engineers' job descriptions. Optimizing image files to ensure the greatest clarity and subtlest nuance is tasked to our imaging experts. We can confidently state our print quality is second to none.

Low perspective view of experiential graphics installation surrounding the entrance of a design school entry featuring colorful custom wall covering, room identification signage, and illuminated vertically-oriented dimensional letting spelling ""

How can we help? Any way you need.

You know you want a high-impact experiential graphic. Or, you know you need a high-performing product to create privacy or reduce sound. But then what? If you've got a design, we can print and fabricate. If you need a design, we can create one you'll love.

Related capabilities

Large interior backlit Ethos dimensional letters installed on a counter for Grubhub food services.

Brand Implementation

Large-scale spatial branding across complex organizations requires creative vision and logistical muscle. We serve up design sensitivity, technical sensibilities, and get-it-done know-how with a partnership mindset. We leverage our prowess to implement your plan and make you shine.

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Rendering of a hallway at Oklahoma States baseball facility with wall-to-wall Amplify wallcoverings and Ethos dimensional letters.

Branded Environments

We understand the why behind branded environments. In many cases, we pioneered the how. We apply it to your who and take it to your where. When creativity meets systems and results in impeccable execution, it's a safe bet it was a Takeform project.

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